Empyrean clearly demonstrates its market awareness by engaging with reputed refineries and producers to monitor trends and leverage potential market upswing to obtain the best value possible. The group is perfectly positioned to supply and distribute petroleum, gas, and oil products on time and on budget. The management team’s approach towards capability, capacity, costs and connectivity has led to the Group constantly raising the bar in terms of performance.
Moving oil and gas in large volumes involves complex procedures and the group is proud to offer customised supply and delivery solutions to a wide range of locations to effortlessly meet its customers’ requirements.

Every country relies on the dependable supply of power, the disruption of which would have a major negative impact on businesses and the society in general. To this end, Empyrean takes pride in offering power plant construction and management as part of its diversified services.
With broad market insight and by collaborating with a dependable partner to efficiently meet the demands of the region, Empyrean is involved in the construction of big and small power plants. This is made possible by merging its decades of local experience with the partner’s technical expertise enabling Empyrean to profitably close on several projects that boost the regional economy.
Regardless of the size, the power plant projects involve substantial investment and management of time, resources, materials and equipment. With this in mind, the Group’s scope extends beyond construction and includes full-service management. Conforming to national safety legislation is critical and Empyrean ensures safety remains an important component of its services.

In the oil and gas industry, logistics is a high demand service that requires frequent monitoring, excellent delivery and technical prowess. Empyrean has cultivated a prime position as a trustworthy transportation provider across the Middle East, Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Asia.
With a fleet of sophisticated vehicles and fully trained staff through the Group's subsidiaries, patnerships, and joint ventures, the Group offers reliable and stable transportation services manned by exceptionally skilled personnel at a reasonable cost. As a company that prioritises safety, every vehicle and vessel is rigorously inspected to meet international standards and durability by constant evaluation, maintenance and repair, and consistent assessment of cargo and crew.

As part of its expansion scheme to capture new markets and expand its services, Empyrean has entered into port management through partnerships with leading port operators and logistics service providers.
By capturing berths and terminal capacity, the Group offers its clients cost-effective and optimal access to the region’s principal ports and trade routes for oil and oil product shipments as well as general cargo. Through joint ventures, Empyrean aims to partner with leading global terminal operators selected for their ideal locations and shipment hubs.
This integrated business model uses opportunities to provide partners and clients with supply chain solutions round-the-clock by capturing demand for transportation and cargo handling infrastructure. A well connected transportation network and end-to-end logistics solutions strengthen connectivity, reduce transportation and operational costs and decrease delivery times.

Empyrean has an extensive history in mining and has competently handled various mining projects.
From mineral exploration to processing and materials handling, the Group successfully completed some of the most challenging mining projects in CIS countries.